The Lepidopterist
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- Publication date
- 1916-
- Publisher
- Salem, Mass. : Boston Entomological Club
- Collection
- biodiversity; americana
- Contributor
- Smithsonian Libraries
- Language
- English
- Volume
- v.1-2 (1916-1918)
- Item Size
- 265.9M
Official bulletin of the Boston Entomological Club
Beginning with vol. 2, no. 1 The Lepidopterist was disowned by the Boston Entomological Club although Mr. Cassino still called it the official bulletin of the Club. The Boston Entomological Club began publishing Lepidoptera on Jan. 15, 1918 as its official bulletin
extracted picklist
Beginning with vol. 2, no. 1 The Lepidopterist was disowned by the Boston Entomological Club although Mr. Cassino still called it the official bulletin of the Club. The Boston Entomological Club began publishing Lepidoptera on Jan. 15, 1918 as its official bulletin
extracted picklist
Page for picture between pages 72 and 73 (Vol. II) was slightly larger than other pages
- Addeddate
- 2008-12-18 21:55:25
- Associated-names
- Boston Entomological Club
- Call number
- 39088012684098
- Camera
- Canon 5D
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- lepidopterist12191618bost
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t4pk0p61d
- Identifier-bib
- 39088012684098
- Ocr
- tesseract 5.3.0-3-g9920
- Ocr_detected_lang
- en
- Ocr_detected_lang_conf
- 1.0000
- Ocr_detected_script
- Latin
- Ocr_detected_script_conf
- 0.9569
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.20
- Ocr_parameters
- -l eng
- Page_number_confidence
- 90
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.5
- Pages
- 254
- Pdf_module_version
- 0.0.22
- Possible copyright status
- Ppi
- 400
- Scandate
- 20081218220927
- Scanfactors
- 2
- Scanner
- Scanningcenter
- washingtondc
- Title_id
- 83852
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 2448280
- Year
- 1916
- Full catalog record
This book is available with additional data at Biodiversity Heritage Library.
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